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We help foster a better understanding of wildlife by working directly with the public through educational outreach, enlightenment on the natural world surrounding us, and human-wildlife conflict resolution.


We consider wildlife rescue to be a form of reactive conservation, whereas public outreach and education is a form of proactive conservation.



Kingston, the Red-tailed Hawk was found in Westminster, CO after he collided with a second-floor window as a fledgling. He unfortunately, suffered severe head trauma which resulted in a vision deficit. Kingston is blind in his left eye and for that reason can not be released back into the wild. Luckily, we can give him a second chance and a long life as a member of our education team!

Thanks to his relaxed personality and agreeable temperament he is suited to education life. He is a quick study who loves to learn new things and show off his newfound skills!


Atosha came to us from our friends at Rocky Mountain Raptor Program after he was admitted to their hospital as a nestling for severe head trauma. His head trauma completely healed but lingering nerve damage to his right eye persisted. For this reason he was deemed non-releasable and transferred to us. After 9 months of eye treatments we decided it was in Atosha's best interest to have the eye surgically removed. It's safe to say he is much happier and more comfortable now.

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Image by Milad Fakurian
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Image by Milad Fakurian


Yarrow is a Northern Saw-whet Owl who suffered an injury to his left shoulder during a windstorm, which unfortunately left him unable to fly and return to the wild. Despite his challenges, Yarrow's young age and inquisitive temperament made him the perfect candidate for education.

After several veterinary visits and x-rays to ensure his long-term welfare would not be impacted, we decided to give this little owl a second chance at life as an education ambassador. He is now in training and will hopefully start doing programs this winter, teaching people about the unique and fascinating world of these tiny forest owls.


Coming Soon!


Terra is an Ornate Box Turtle, or Western Box Turtle - one of two species of turtles that are native to the Great Plains of the United States.

Ornate Box Turtles live on the eastern plains of Colorado and prefer sandy soil, dotted with sagebrush, native grasses, and other prairie plants. Turtles need large swaths of land to maintain a stable population. As habitat fragmentation, and development of Colorado's Front Range continues to expand eastward, box turtles are facing new challenges.

Terra was found in an area along the Front Range where Box Turtles do not live. She was likely "turtle-napped" out east and then dumped in an urban park. Studies have shown that when a Box Turtle is removed from their home range and released somewhere else they have over a 50% mortality rate. For this reason, Terra will live with us for the rest of her life which could be upwards of 30+ years!



Coming Soon!

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